We are not comforted so that we can be comfortable but so that we may be able to comfort others.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

June 25, 2011

Twelve years ago today I married the love of my life.  God blessed me with a wonderful man who loved Him and was devoted to me.  There were so very many good things I could say about Michael.  He was good at everything he attempted. He was a man of integrity and you always knew that his yes was yes and his no was no.  He was the hardest working man I knew.  He was my life and I could have never imagined a life without him.  All of my good memories started with him, and seem to have ended with him.  He was the very best husband and father I have ever known.
I have really seen how very fragile life is how we really should live each day as the blessing it is, because our lives really are just a breath and then we are in eternity.
I see now how time is one of God's greatest gifts to us.  I think this is why He tells us to not worry about tomorrow.  When we waste our time worrying about what is not here we waste the time we have been given and once that time is gone, it is GONE, never can you get it back.
God is teaching me how to love and trust Him in all things.  In the good and what seems to be bad.  He is providing for me and the children and always making His goodness evident.  So I will continue to speak to my heart and tell it to trust Him with what is left of my life.
When the lonileness starts to well over me and sadness begins to tighten it's grip around the pieces of my heart, I will cry to my sweet Saviour who keeps all my tears in a bottle and who promises to be near to me.  And I will daily tell my needy sinful soul to wait on Him who is soverign, who holds my life and the lives of my children in His hand.
One day I will see happiness again and this pain will be a healed wound that will remind me of my God's unspeakable goodness and grace.  So until that day I will wait and trust that He will keep me.

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